Rediscovering Play and Strengthening Connection: How “Exploding Kittens” Can Transform Family Fun!
Play has a curious way of bringing out both the childlike and the competitive in us, and I’ve discovered this truth firsthand through popular games like Uno and Exploding Kittens and 5 Minute Dungeon. Can you imagine this? Growing up, I don't think I ever quite found...
Book Review: Play: How It Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the Soul by Stuart Brown
I’ve just finished reading Play: How It Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the Soul by Stuart Brown and I simply had to share my thoughts. If you’ve ever assumed that play is something reserved for children, or that it’s of little importance once...
Tea & Tactics Card Challenge Tea Party: A Family Fun Night with Tea & Treats
Enjoy a memorable Family Fun Night with card games, tea, and light treats. Perfect for bonding over games and delicious, easy-to-make snacks after dinner! Connecting as a family over a tabletop card game is more than fun - it’s a healthy way to bond and engage with...