This age of technology promises one can live anywhere and work on-line. Well, that works until the small-town Internet monopoly goes down. After over twenty-four hours of no Internet access and communicating with the no information customer service reps multiple states away, I’m starting to feel a little testy.

To help with this, I spent yesterday working on a solid article about planning your tea party menu. Please look for it ASAP~for the moment Internet access returns, I will post it.

On the other hand, two new teas arrived in the mail Thursday night and I already sold out. Customers request the heavily flavored blacks all the time. Sometimes I feel I am selling them the equivalent of the Bartles and James wine coolers of my youth~heavy adulterated flavors of the basic ingredient so the quality of the original content doesn’t matter. But then I realized in this mocha-chino Starbucks world, the flavored teas often bring in those who thought they always disliked tea before.

What’s your opinion of flavored teas?