How to Clean Tea Cups, Saucers and Teaposts Without Using Harsh Chemicals

There is something truly wonderful about drinking tea out of fine china teaware.  It can really add to the experience of drinking tea. Whether it’s an heirloom passed down in your family, or something you fell in love with and bought yourself, fine china teaware can hold a lot of personal meaning and is often treasured.  It’s also perfect for using when you are having guests over and can really make your guests feel special! However, the delicate nature of your teaware also means that stains and cracks are inevitable.  As a result there is a level of care that needs to go into looking after it. This care is important to give it a longer life and to keep it looking fresh!  So you’ll need to know how to clean tea cups and care for your teaware.

Keep in mind; these methods for cleaning can also be used for your everyday mugs and teacups as well!

how to clean tea cups

Prevention is the best strategy, but don’t stress!

Sometimes things take longer to get to than we anticipated.  It’s natural to just not feel like cleaning up straight after an event, or catch up.  And that’s ok! If you do not get around to cleaning your teaware straight away, do not stress. There are some easy steps you can take that will remove stains and make your teaware looking and feeling fresh again in no time and keep it around for years to come!

Hand washing is key

Although it can be an easy solution and make life easier in the kitchen, the dishwasher is not always the safest bet.  This is especially relevant for your fine china! We recommend never putting antique and collectible teawares in the dishwasher!  The best way you can ensure your teaware is safe is to wash it by hand.

The best method for a gentle clean is to fill up your sink with warm water, without over filling it. Once the sink is filled, gently place the teaware into the sink. This should be done without any soap or dishwashing liquid, as this may alter and change the way the tea tastes. Simple, clean, warm water is the key to fresh teaware!

Once the teaware has been soaking in the warm water for a few minutes, take a non-abrasive or scratchy sponge and gently wipe it to remove any left over tea residue.  This should make your china look brighter and avoid any further staining.

how to clean teacups

Does your teaware still have some stubborn stains? Some gentle stain removal methods are listed below.

Stain Removal

Does your teaware still have stains, even after gently cleaning it in warm water? That’s ok! There are a number of ways to remove stains from fine china, without resorting to heavy chemicals that get stuck in the cracks and change the taste of your tea forever. Not everyone knows this fact, so knowing how to clean tea cups properly is important in making your tea taste better!  Below are the best ones for teaware, as they are natural and do not affect the way the tea brews or tastes in the cup.

  • Baking Soda
    • Simply place a teaspoon or so of Baking Soda in the pot or cups and gently scrub with a damp cloth. This is known to remove even the toughest of stains! You may need to do it a few times however.  But it is the gentlest, safest way to get good results for your china teapots, cups and saucers.
  • Salt and Vinegar
    • You may find that those stains at the bottom of the cups are too stubborn to come off with just baking soda. This mix of salt and vinegar really helps with these tricky stains! The best method is to put the salt/vinegar mixture in the cup or pot and soak for a few minutes. When you return, simply wipe away and the stains should disappear with just a few gentle wipes! It’s that easy.

Give your teaware a milk bath – yes really!

The next one seems a little odd, but has roaring testimonials from people all over the world! Sometimes our fine china ends up with tiny hairline cracks; no matter how well you look after it or how much love you show it. Some things unfortunately are just inevitable, but there may be a solution!

An old trick is to place your teaware into a pot with 2 cups of full fat milk, turn the stove onto the lowest setting and let soak in the warm milk for up to an hour. Once the milk has cooled, remove the cup/saucer/pot and the cracks should be less visible! Theory is that the protein in the milk works to bond with the surface of the china and when cooled, fills in the cracks. Whether it’s a sure thing or not, it’s worth a try!

Pretty Teaware is a pleasure and joy to own

Whether it’s expensive antiques or younger special items, knowing how to clean tea cups is a valuable skill.

Owning fine china teaware is a pleasure for tea lovers and can really add to the experience of tea. Whether you’re sipping tea alone in your garden or hosting friends and family, fine china teaware is always a hit.

That’s why it can be so important to keep it clean and stain free. By taking the steps above you will be able to have clean cups, saucers and pots all year round and extend the life of your favorite fine china teaware!


