In lieu of more info from me today, consider a visit to one of these three blogs. ArtsyMama and Scribbit do a great job of building a community around their blogs. They provide fun, creative ways for the bloggers to connnect.
I love Brocante Home Chronicles pictures, humor, and style. From England, she sometimes provides unique perspectives, often with tongue-in-cheek.
All three of these women help inspire me to live beautifully with their creativity, fun, and ability to do the best with what they’ve been given. For example, Scribbit today announced how she plans to survive six months of Alaska winter, thanks to the blogosphere. Maybe you’ll want to join in on the fun!
Are there any blogs you regularly visit that inspire you to live beautifully?
Really like the graphical design and navigation of the site, easy on the eyes and good content. other sites are just way too overflowing with adds