Did you know that Tea Party Girl has over 300 plus articles, videos and posts?
Due to the sheer volume of this blog great information is being buried.
In an effort to remedy this problem I will feature 10 articles you may have missed but will want to read this weekend.
1. Tea for Teeth - Discover How Tea and Dental Health Go Hand in Hand
2. Tea's Role in Literature
3. Six Possible Party Themes For Your Autumn Events
4. The Top 7 Mistakes Tea Drinkers Make
5. Are You A Realistic Hostess?
6. Hosting a 1950's Inspired Tea Party
7.Cucumber Tea Sandwiches 101
8. Drink to Friends with Yerba Mate
9 .How To Raise Money with A Mystery Tea Party
10.Create Your Own Tea Art
Tea Party Girl invites you to share these articles with friends and post comments on each article.